
Making Neurosurgery Safer

Join us in establishing the world's first quality standard for diffusion-weighted MR imaging.

Get the highest quality clinical data to make decisions for your patients

Every year, more than 12 million neurosurgeries are performed. It's a clinical specialty where many procedures are high risk. Positive outcomes can help patients return to a high quality of life and increase operational efficiency for healthcare systems.

Creating a standard for MR imaging is a key quality measure with the power to help overburdened departments run more effectively while supporting value-based care for patients.  

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Meet the Phantom X

With our diffusion phantom program, MR systems can have their scan accuracy confirmed and controlled while also detecting bad data and error sources.

Best of all, our scalable manufacturing method is configurable with customizable modules for your chosen clinical application. 

We see applicability in neuro-oncology, degenerative disease, TBI, epilepsy and other areas. 

We're PreOperative Performance

Based in Toronto, Canada, we're a seed stage medical device company with unique, proprietary technology to support MR scan accuracy.


Phantom Program

Establish ground truth on the quality, accuracy and dependability of any preoperative image scan ahead of surgery or treatment.

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Scannable Modules

Our devices use a patented technology that you can configure to provide targeted metrics for a variety of clinical specialties.


Evaluate Your Data

We see long-term opportunity to leverage MR data for both clinical research communities and MR hardware manufacturers.